Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ear and Body Piercing - piercings may be infected (Titanium jewelry)

Question 2 (Titanium Jewelry)
Hi titanium jewelry
ive had my industrial and naval piercing for about 3 months now and have had no problem with them until today

first off
my industrial has red bumps just by the holes
i sometimes sleep on that side so i was thinking maybe it was that
is this bad ? and hpw can i stop teh bumps / infection ?

my belly button
i got it caught
and i had a pinkish lump by the holes
it didnt hurt or anything
but i went to change it and puss came out and it was bleeding for a while
it was tender and a little piece of skin was hanging out
i stopped it a little
that is infecction right ? and how can i stop that ?

brian skelie

Hi Brian

At this point it could be a pyogenic infection from sleeping on the piercing, handling it and changing it in the case of the navel.

Often a piercing done with slightly irritating material like silver, steel or an alloy of gold (usually including copper, silver and trace metals) can cause irritation and prevent complete healing. Switch to an implant certified piece of titanium jewelry for better success. can explain more about selecting a safe piece. has excellent examples of titanium jewelry and more.

Other notable cofactors the irritation could be related to:
*cleaning products you use; chemical or particulate irritation
*the shape and size of the jewelry; a piece out of proportion to your body
*mechanical friction/motion of the jewelry; moving it around too much
*sleeping on the piercing; putting pressure on the jewelry
*tap water/moisture not dried off completely; fluid causing ulceration of the wound bed

Stop by for a free consultation if you are in the area.
I can send you an appropriate, attractive piece of jewelry if you can not make it in.

In the meantime, try to follow simple sensible care described at

Some people in your situation have success with a judicious application of antiseptic or antibiotic products at this point. Others try to focus on great nutrition [like a balanced diet with additional garlic, vitamin C and minerals like zinc] and apply a dry hot compress [such as a cup of your favorite hot liquid, a heat pad set to medium or a hot washcloth in a Ziploc bag for ten-fifteen minutes once an hour up to bedtime] to increase circulation and build immune response. Make sure to put something absorbent such as a gauze pad or tissue in between you and the compress to keep it from getting sweaty. See your physician if symptoms get worse or do not clear up in the next few days.
Titanium jewelry.......

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